Académie Dectro : Daring Excellence
Whenever we embark on a career change, the instinct is to look for the very best training available. And a healthy instinct it surely is! [...]
Electrologist, a profession of the future
Interested by an ever-evolving profession that allows you to combine your passion for beauty with your entrepreneurial spirit? With the significant growth of the hair [...]
Académie Dectro breaks new ground with the very first online electrolysis course!
Interested by an ever-evolving profession that allows you to combine your passion for beauty with your entrepreneurial spirit? When observing the trend over the last [...]
Electrolysis and Photoepilation: A Highly Effective Duo!
To achieve sustainable results in hair removal, two main choices are offered: electroepilation and photoepilation. However, since each technique has its strengths and weaknesses, combined [...]
Hair Removal: Which is the Best Method?
In hair removal as in many other fields, new technologies keep showing up. To make an educated choice of treatment, you must know the different [...]